Volcanic emissions from a Volcan Mombacho cliffside.
Looking back along one ridge of Mombacho
View of Granada and the Isletas. When Mombacho blew thousands of years ago, the eruption created the archipelago visable in the cresent shape on the right half of the photo below. The last eruption - not so serious - was in the 16th century (a sign to the colonists?)
Playa Montelimar... Completely unrelated to Mombacho, but somehow snuck onto the blog. This was the sight of the first ever Xoco international corporate conference! The 12 managers of the business met for 2 days to cover lessons learned and the path that lies ahead. Josh took this picture in the 15 minutes available to go the beach (the rest of the conference took place in the much more picturesque Windowless Air-Conditioned Conference Room (WACCR: a common outcome).
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